Post-graduation work permit (PGWP)

PGWP is an Open Work Permit. Graduates of certain designated learning institutions are eligible for this work permit.

Spouse Open Work Permit

Spouse of the International student or the temporay foreign worker may be eligible to apply for a open work permit.


Bridging open work permit

A bridging open work permit (BOWP) lets you keep working while you wait for the results of your permanent residence application.

2012年12月15日,加拿大移民部推出桥梁工签(Bridging Open Work Permit),可以让移民申请待批、但工签快到期的外国工人拿到开放式工签。

Visitor Record

If you want to extend your stay in Canada as a visitor (stay in Canada longer), you need to apply for a Visitor Record, if you have reasonable excuse, sufficient funds and medical exam results.


Visitor Visa

If you are planning to travel, visit family or friends, and have a business trip in Canada, you may be required to havea a Visitor Visa. It allows you to stay in Canada no more than 180 days.
  • 加拿大签证均无需参加面试,但需要采集指纹;
  • 加拿大不分领区,所有申请人可以在就近的签证中心递交,也可以直接在网上申请;
  • 根据访问目的不同,申请的具体文件有些许不一样,但是签证的本身无差异。

International Experience Canada (IEC)

Certain Countries have an agreement with Canada that allows you to apply for an IEC work permit. It is an one year open work permit.
  • 每个国家或者地区的名额以及年纪要求不同;
  • 申请人需要先入池等待邀请;
  • 每年开放1-2次,采取抽签制
  • 被抽中后需要在规定时间内提交申请;
  • 需要提交无犯罪,工作经验,语言成绩,体检报告等基本材料。

Welcome to Canada!

We welcome you and your business to consult with us regarding all kinds of immigration matters!

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