
安大略省(Ontario)是加拿大的十大省之一,东邻魁北克省,西接马尼托巴省,南部则与美国的明尼苏达州、密歇根州、俄亥俄州、宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州为界。安大略省是个由移民组成的大省,人口居加拿大各省第一位,主要城市有渥太华市、滑铁卢市、温莎市、哈密尔顿市等,政府驻地即省会为多伦多市。安省也是加拿大大学最多的省份。安大略省省提名项目 Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program ,简称 OINP ,也就是我们常说的安省省提名。





a) 申请人在过去五年内必须有两年相关的工作经验;

b) 申请人的职业类别须属于NOC TEER 0,1,2,3类,并且获得一份长期全职的、有效的雇主函;

c) 紧缺技能类需要过去3年内在安省已经在指定NOC职位工作9个月才能申请

d) 申请人可以从境内和境外申请。

e) 留学生类需要在毕业后2年内提交申请




a) 必须满足至少一类快速通道项目,并打分入池;

b) FSW类,过去五年内至少持续一年的工作经验;CEC类移民,过去三年内至少累计一年在加拿大的工作经验;

c) 如果是Trade技工类,需要2年内有1年安省指定行业的工作经验

d) 本科及以上学历;Trade类别为高中以上

e) 语言需达到CLB7(雅思4个6)法语类TEF听:309说:248读:206写:309;Trade类为CLB5

f) 1200分评分系统,达到至少400分;

g) 有足够的资金支持在安省的花销;

h) 有意向居住在安省。



a) 至少一半的学业是在加拿大完成的,已经或者即将从一个符合条件的加拿大公立院校或大学毕业;

b) 完成至少两年全日制的文凭或学位课程。如果是一年制研究生学位课程和证书课程,则需要提供之前的学位或文凭证书;

c) 拥有一份全职的长期的且满足职位起步薪水的雇主函,职位类别必须属于NOC TEER 0,1,2,3类,工作可以与申请人所学专业无关;

d) 在毕业两年内递交申请;

e) 如果申请人在加拿大,必须有加拿大合法身份;

f) 获得雇主的批准函、联合确认表和预选职位表.


a) 现居安省或者在海外(不可居住在其他省份)

b) 在安省合格公立大学已经完成至少两年的博士学习研究;


a) 完成至少一年全日制学习;

b) 语言成绩达到CLB7;

c) 在安省不再继续求学;

d) 现居安省或者在海外(不可居住在其他省份)

  1. Employer Job Offer Category

The following three programs exist under the Employer Job Offer Category:

Foreign worker stream: for skilled workers;

International students: for recent graduates of Ontario post-secondary institutions;

In-demand skills stream: for intermediate skilled workers in certain sectors, such as agriculture, construction, trucking and personal support workers.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Must have a full-time, permanent job offer in an eligible occupation in Ontario;
  • Must have work experience, license or other authorization that is required to perform the job;
  • Must intend to live in Ontario;
  • Employer must meet additional requirements (business, revenue, employment).
  1. Human Capital Category

The Human Capital Category itself divides into two sub-streams. One is the Ontario Express Entry. Programs in this sub-stream are enhanced. This means that they are linked with the Express Entry system.

If you receive a nomination through Ontario Express Entry, you will be notified. It will then be up to you, the candidate, to accept or refuse the nomination. Accepting the nomination awards you with an extra 600 CRS points. This means that you will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in the next all-program Express Entry draw.

The following programs fall into the Human Capital Category: International Graduates sub-stream. They are not aligned with Express Entry. An applicant must create a profile and register an expression of interest (EOI):

Master’s Graduate Stream: For individuals who received Master’s degrees from an Ontario University

Ph.D. Graduate Stream: For individuals who received Ph.D.’s from an Ontario University.